Church of Las Claras

In the vibrant heart of Salamanca, where the past is majestically interwoven with the present, stands a monument to Baroque splendor: the altarpiece of the Church of Las Claras. An authentic symbol of the Baroque and, moreover, with the Churriguera surname in its signature, with all that implies.

The altarpiece of Las Claras is an eloquent testimony to the cultural richness of Salamanca during the Baroque period. Created at a time when art was both an expression of devotion and power, this altarpiece represents a milestone in the history of Spanish sacred art, displaying an iconographic program based on devotions and identity elements of the Order of Saint Clare. Its intricate design and exuberant ornamentation are reflections of an era that valued grandeur and theatricality in its artistic expressions.

This church consists of a single nave adorned with imposing semicircular arches that open in the side walls, highlighting a straight-headed main chapel. The building, of medieval origin, was profoundly transformed in the 18th century during an extensive Baroque reform directed by Joaquín de Churriguera. Behind the altarpiece dedicated to Saint Bonaventure, an arcosolium hides a 15th-century mural painting, representing the stigmatization of Saint Francis.

The current vaults, barrel-vaulted with lunettes and adorned with stuccos, are also the work of Churriguera, who also designed a splendid altarpiece in collaboration with Pedro de Gamboa around the year 1702.

The altarpiece, carved and polychromed in wood, is presided over by an imposing sculpture of Saint Clare and is structured in a single body, divided into three parts by Solomonic columns, culminating in a semicircular attic.

Unlike Renaissance or early Baroque models, Churriguera abandons the traditional compartmentalized structure in favor of a more complete spatial unity. Although the divisions are perceptible when observing the altarpiece from bottom to top, the design introduces a dynamism that breaks with traditional flatness, creating a vibrant space that invites movement and transmits an enveloping emotional force.

This altarpiece is not only a centerpiece of the Church of Las Claras but is also a star in the constellation of Baroque art that adorns Salamanca. Along with other masterpieces of the city, it forms part of a visual dialogue that spans centuries. It is a palpable reminder that the Baroque, with its emphasis on movement, contrast, and emotional detail, continues to resonate with those who seek beauty in the divine and the earthly.

Salamanca invites you, dear visitor, to contemplate the altarpiece of the Church of Las Claras not as a destination, but as part of a path, a guide, a journey that tries to offer a window into the soul of a past but never forgotten era. When visiting it, one not only sees a work of art: one participates in a heritage that continues to inspire and challenge each new generation that discovers it.


Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 2 pm - 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm | Sunday and public holidays: 10 am to 2 pm


Admission fee required


Access by Museum of Medieval Painting of Santa Clara. C/ Santa Clara, 2.



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