In the vast mantle of the night, where our eyes rise to trace paths and stories among stars, other constellations are also drawn that protect the dreams and desires of those who visit Salamanca. This protective firmament is a reflection of our own ground, where heritage and tourism are intimately linked in a dance of lights and shadows.
For their beauty, their art, their grandeur, each altarpiece transforms into a bright star. Each one with its own brilliance and uniqueness, but all united by the Baroque style that characterizes their essence. Just as astronomers connect points in the sky to form constellations that tell stories of heroes, gods, and mythological beasts, we can draw imaginary lines between the Church of Sancti Spiritus, the Church of La Purísima, San Julián, among other temples, creating a Baroque constellation that narrates the history of faith, art, and culture of Salamanca.
Salamanca invites us to discover and understand these altars of faith and art. Visiting them is also contemplating them, reading them, and engaging in a dialogue with them. Sitting in front of a Baroque altarpiece, trembling before its magnificence, and allowing oneself to be gilded by its history, is to explore an era of crisis, the Counter-Reformation, but it is also to rediscover our own biography, woven in the golden threads of these earthly mirrors of celestial constellations.